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3 hr
4,999 Australian dollars3 hr
3,200 Australian dollars3 hr
1,400 Australian dollars1 hr 30 min
675 Australian dollars45 min
240 Australian dollars1 hr
300 Australian dollars30 min
150 Australian dollars1 hr
$10+/- per Photo(s)

What is Boudoir?
Some people have never come across the word Boudoir before. It means a woman's dressing room, bedroom, or private sitting room. So Boudoir photography is the process of photographing the woman's dressing room, bedroom or dressing room, in a way that accentuates these features.
But it is more than that, it is a empowering experience, some call it a journey, or a transformation. You may have gone through a change in some part of your life, and boudoir photography is a great way to express that transformation.
Empowering Photography
Empowerment is defined as ‘make (someone) stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life and claiming their rights' and Photography is defined as ‘the art or practice of taking and processing photographs’
So empowering photography is the art of taking someone’s photo while making them feel stronger and more confident.
This is why I am in to boudoir photography, because in my mind it is empowering photography. It is all about your mindset, breaking through the stereotype you have made in your mind about who you are. Through my photography we can break through that stereotype.

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