Welcome to the information page of my website. All types of women have chosen to do a boudoir photo shoot with me. Some of them are bold and adventurous and for other women it is more challenging. With my experience, I am confident that you will feel comfortable working me and the you will have a very positive outcome. With many fantastic photos!
Some of the more common questions, or things women wonder about before booking a shoot or choosing a photographer are centred around the below topics. You can click any of the links to find out more information on these commonly asked points.
What Should I Wear To My Shoot?
Do You Have Any Tips To Prepare For My Photo Shoot?
How Much Does It Cost? Are There Different Packages?
Do You Have Any Before And After Examples I Could See?
If you have any other questions about choosing a boudoir photographer in Melbourne, or whether the experience will be right for you, then simply contact me. Simply call 0400 559 909 to have an honest and friendly conversation about how things may work for you.